Job scams include fake jobs emailed to possible candidates/victims and posted on job boards, fake employer websites, and fake recruiter websites. However, with the increasing popularity of the internet, they have been on the rise. Educating and being aware will help lessen the chances of falling victim to these scams. Researching will be your new best friend when you are wary about a specific job listing.

Although actively screens for fraudulent job postings and takes proactive action by removing the postings and reporting the fraud to the appropriate agencies, we are a free information exchange job board.

It is also your responsibility to perform all due diligence with any potential employers.

Before you give out any personal information to a recruiter, check it out to ensure it is legitimate. Google the profile and the company page for their employer. Employer review sites can be another great place to turn when you want more information about a particular company.

The following topics below will assist you in being informed, aware, and performing due diligence with any potential employer:

  • Overseas Job Scams
  • Identity Theft
  • Package Forwarding and Reshipping Scams
  • Work at Home Scams
  • Payment scam

If you suspect a job on is a scam, please contact us at immediately.